Risk Factors

A majority of students will experience some kind of mental health crisis during college. COVID has created new vulnerabilities in student populations. Very few students will seek help for their mental health. It's critical to understand the challenges that students face, and how to address them.



Anxiety is the most common mental health diagnosis in college students. Over half of students felt overwhelming anxiety in the past year. The initial transition to college can be a particularly stressful time for students. Anxiety can be difficult to talk about, and many students do not seek help.


About half of students reported symptoms of depression and anxiety in the last year - nearly double the rate 10 years ago. Depression can affect class attendence, grades, and ultimately enrollment. Of students who drop out of college, over 60% do so because of mental health concerns.



Burnout is physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion accompanied by decreased motivation, lowered performance, and negative attitudes. Burnout in students rose from 40% to 71% from Fall 2020 to Spring 2021. Unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance misuse, social isolation, and lack of activity are often not far behind.

Journal addresses these challenges with a novel, destigmatizing approach